I have several works in progress but somehow can't say no to a test knit (as pictured on the right) or starting a new project. There is something about free yarn that consumes me and leaves me helpless to saying no or establishing boundaries. This morning I started a
new project with 5 minutes left before I needed to go to work and last night I started two more before going to bed. The crazy thing is I think I will finish each of these within the allotted deadline I have set for myself. Not only that, I still have more I want to begin. I think about the ladies in the office who would love a mug cozy and the girls I work with and wanting to make them something special for our department Christmas party and family who would really appreciate a handmade gift. But then, of course, I begin thinking about the ladies in my knitting group and how I would really love to make them something but do you really knit something for the ladies who spend their evenings knitting? I don't know. Additionally, I can't help but thinking about the babies about to be born that I must knit for because I love their moms and grandmothers so much. Heaven forbid I should check Pinterest and see boards that are haunting me with the things I want to make my sister-in-law or my daughter. If all I did was knit, there still wouldn't be enough time but I also want to quilt and read and sew. Have you ever read the essay, "
I Want a Wife" by Judy Brady? It's a great editorial on how much we all need someone to manage our appointments and chores so that we can take care of the things we want to do instead of what we have to do. I don't really want a wife - I hear they are pretty high maintenance - but a great quote written on a mug from my daughter comes to mind when I think of what I want to do and what I need to do;
My job is interfering with my knitting. Yes, it is!
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