Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Knitting Sooths

Knitting sooths my soul and brings peace to situations filled with turmoil or busyness. When I’m most stressed I feel the greatest need to sit down and create which comforts and applies purpose to situations that seem too chaotic and “twirly,” as one of my dear friends suggests. But what also happens during these crazy times is that I begin several projects in order to satisfy that need. Currently, I have a shawl to finish that I’ve virtually ignored for months. I also have a pair of socks that are quite pretty and stem back to August when I decided to complete all the socks in the Master Sock Knitting book. I’ve only completed one pair and this is the second. So much for that personal challenge! I also have started two summer sweaters. I know that sounds like an oxymoron but I hope it actually works. I’m knitting them in cotton and linen blends, neither of which I really use all that often. I also have a beautiful skein of Madelintosh that was given to me as a gift that I want to do something special with but can’t quite figure out what. The wonderful thing is – I can take my time or set a deadline to finish these projects – whichever sooths my soul at the time!


  1. So true - nothing distracts me from a stressful situation like starting multiple new projects!
