Monday, February 6, 2012


Okay, this might be a good time for a confession. At the beginning of this blog I made a resolution to “cold sheep” for 2012. Meaning, I would not purchase yarn for an entire year. However, when making such a brave and bold statement, I didn’t take into account the temptation that would come my way. A couple of weeks ago, I caved and went to a local yarn shop that was going out of business. Let’s be real. Can I be expected to pass on yarn that is 70% off? Seriously, should I be held to such a strict declaration when, if you really think about it, I would be saving money in the long run? Well, at least this is the argument I made with myself as I was purchasing multiple sweaters worth of yarn. I’m too embarrassed to actually take a picture of the yarn and post it. However, I hope to display a few works in progress before too long using the discounted vow breaker and show you what I couldn’t pass up!

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