Sunday, February 12, 2012

My First Sweater

Jason was the recipient of the first sweater I ever crocheted before I learned to knit. It was two shades of blue RedHeart yarn and pretty hideous. Of course, at the time, it was crafted with love and I was proud of my work. He must have felt the same way because he wore it, at least once, with a smile on his face, while we were dating. At some point in the past 29 years since I crocheted it, I gave it to Goodwill. I don’t have any pictures and now I feel a little bad about the lack. Don’t get me wrong - I wouldn’t put him through the torture of wearing it but I would like a picture to show how far my talent has come! I need to do a better job of taking pictures of my work so I can celebrate the gift God has given me. However, the gift I am thankful for today is not my knitting or crocheting, but my precious husband. Today is his birthday and I am so thankful that God saw fit to put him in my life. Someday I hope to knit him a sweater and I will take pictures to share!

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