Okay, I am an English teacher and I know that Knitterly is not a word but it seems appropriate and I am going to use it. I love reading. I love knitting. Of course, there are lots of other things that I love doing but this will be the beginning of what I share.
I have a lot of yarn. When I say a lot, I don't think you really have a true picture of what I am saying but that doesn't really matter. You will learn quickly enough what I mean. I recently did a tally of the yarn in my stash and discovered that I have 157 miles of yarn that I need to knit. Yes, you read correctly - 157 miles. Trust me, I did the math without error and even asked my husband to verify how many yards are in a mile. That being said, I entered a challenge this year to knit only from my stash - that means not buying any yarn - cold sheeping. This term is new to me and it means something like cold turkey - going without, immediately - stopping abruptly. Okay, so I will knit this year only from yarn that I currently possess.
Here are my goals:
- 12 mitts/gloves Mitt Envy
- 12 cowls
- 12 hats
- 12 socks Sock Knitting Master Class
- 12 baby sweaters Five Hour Baby Sweater
- 12 baby booties
- 12 baby hats Umbilical Cord Hat
- 12 scarves
- 12 knitted bowls Soft Baskets
- 12 dishcloths
- 12 ornaments
- 12 charity items
So far I have knit three hats for charity and five cowls to be used as Christmas gifts. The projects combine used approximately 800 yards which is still less that half of a mile - 156.5 miles to go. Wish me luck and happy knitting!
Very cool. You did an awesome job. I like the layout and I love {squeal} the title!